I·de·al n. 1. A conception of something in its absolute perfection. 2. One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence.

An Ideally proportioned stone will have tremendous brilliance and scintillation. An ideally cut diamond will not be cut to retain weight or appear larger than it is. The only goal in cutting an ideal cut diamond is to maximize the brilliance, fire, sparkle and beauty of the diamond.

Of the many independent labs available, only the American Gem Society Lab and GIA grade diamonds for the accuracy of their cut. Many labs claim there is no range of proportions that are more brilliant than others or make their parameters so loose that just about any diamond can be called Ideal.

At Diamond Ideals, we trust only the AGS Lab and GIA to grade our diamonds. An AGS Diamond Quality Document (DQD), showing the stone to have achieved Ideal specifications for Polish, Symmetry, Proportion and Light Performance (in the new AGSL documents) or a GIA grading report showing Excellent polish, symmetry and cut accompanies every Diamond Ideals ideal cut diamond. Every loose diamond we sell is accompanied by a grading report.

Every facet in an Ideal Cut diamond must be placed at precise angles and has precise proportions. This ensures an Ideal balance between maximum brilliance and dispersion of light. Any discrepancy from these proportions will disrupt the even distribution and dispersion of light within the stone, and will result in a loss of beauty.

Why aren't all diamonds cut to Ideal Proportions?

The answer is one of simple economics. It takes longer and more technology to cut an Ideal Cut. The process is assisted by computer and laser analysis. Only very experienced cutters can achieve this level of excellence, and, unfortunately, there is a greater weight loss of the original rough diamond. All of these factors contribute to the rarity and cost of Ideal Cut diamonds.

Can there be "GIA Ideal Cuts"?

Although the GIA specifically claims that there are no sets of proportions that are "Ideal" Diamond Ideals obviously disagrees. Finding a GIA triple excellent and using a Hearts & Arrows scope can considerably narrow the field. Also insist on seeing pictures of the diamonds to make sure you are getting a great performing diamond.

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